This page displays our most recent batch of citations; a comprehensive bibliography of citations we’ve collected since 2016 (going back as far as 2013) and a search tool are also available.
Seven authors new to HAR’s Bibliography are being included here: they are Paul Basu, Paul Dukes, Rita Eder, Albina Girfanova, Keith Hart, Emmanuelle Loyer, and Shalon Parker, writing about colonial anthropology in British West Africa, Vilhjalmur Stefansson in the Arctic, and Miguel Covarrubias’s reliance on the theories on cultural contact of Gordon Eckholm and Robert-Heine-Geldern, among other subjects.
We welcome suggestions from readers. If you come across something of interest during your own fieldwork in the library, whether that be physical or virtual, please let us know by emailing us at
Dukes, Paul. "Vilhjalmur Stefansson: The Northward Course of Empire, The Adventure of Wrangel Island, 1922–1925, and 'Universal Revolution.'" Sibirica 17, no. 1 (2018): 1–22.
Eder, Rita. "
El águila, el jaguar y la serpiente: Miguel Covarrubias y el debate del difusionismo."
Anales Del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 42, no. 116 (2020): 215–43.
Heaney, Christopher. "
Skull Walls: The Peruvian Dead and the Remains of Entanglement."
American Historical Review 127, no. 3 (2022): 1071–1101.
Loyer, Emmanuelle.
Lévi-Strauss: A Biography. Medford, MA: Polity Press, 2018.
Mogilner, Marina. "Three Roads to Modernity at The Turn of The 'Jewish Century': Boasian Revolution, Imperial Revolution, and Bolshevik Revolution." Ab Imperio, no. 2 (2018): 27–67.
Nichols, Catherine A. "The Smithsonian Institution's 'Greatest Treasures': Valuing Museum Objects in the Specimen Exchange Industry." Museum Anthropology 41, no. 1 (2018): 13–29.
Watson, Matthew C. "
The Animal Anthropology of Linda Schele's Spirits."
Cultural Critique 88 (2014): 260–77.
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