Hannah McElgunn, John Leavitt, Sean O’Neill, Anthony K. Webster, and Morgan Siewert
The Many (After)lives of Benjamin Lee Whorf
Journal of Anthropological Research special issue, Vol. 80, No. 4, Winter 2024
Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941) was one of the most intellectually creative and—with a degree in chemical engineering and a career as an inspector for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company—oddly credentialed and occupationally unusual members of the Boasian group of North American anthropologists. I have long considered his essay on “The Relation of Habitual Thought and Behavior to Language” (1941) as that rarest of scholarly productions: a brilliant analysis realized as a perfect work of art. Yet, as John Leavitt observes in his contribution to the collection under review here, Whorf became “one of the great straw men for the universalist cognitive sciences of the 1970s and 1980s” (409), fodder for what Whorf himself might have called Standard Average European (SAE) psychology, whose practitioners never understood that the Boasians’ suggestions about the relation of language to culture grew from studies of grammatical categories, not words by themselves.
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