[In case you missed it, here is an excerpted email from HoA list manager Ira Bashkow with information on panels for AAA 2016.]

Dear HoA Group Members:

Here is news about history of anthropology related events and panels currently being planned for the 2016 AAA meetings (that I have happened to hear about):

1. Regna Darnell will deliver the 2016 General Anthropology Division Distinguished Lecture.

2. Joshua Smith is working with Ian Puppe and Rob Wishart to co-organize a roundtable and a panel of papers honoring Regna and her wide-ranging contributions to the history of anthropology, Cree studies/indigenous studies, linguistic anthropology, and community engagement.

3. Bill Mitchell is organizing a panel on “theoretical fads” and the way they “leave changes in the ways in which we work, even as the theories themselves are discarded.”

4. Jason Pribilsky and Matt Watson are co-organizing a panel of papers that reconsider the history of anthropology in light of concepts developed within science and technology studies (STS), e.g. actor-networks, boundary objects, and public engagement.

5. Mindy Morgan and I are co-organizing the third iteration of the “Voicing the Ancestors” roundtable begun in 2014, in which several people each read a selected passage from an intellectual ancestor, then talk about its significance. (This follows the format of two previous sessions organized by Ira, Alex King, and Richard Handler at the 2014 and 2015 meetings.) This year, the roundtable will highlight the concept of collaboration and the relationship between the discipline of anthropology and Native American and First Nations communities, including texts by Native American/First Nations anthropologists and research assistants as well as the anthropologists who worked with them and their communities.

All the best,

Adrianna Link: contributions / website / alink@amphilsoc.org