Mining the Contents of the University of Wisconsin’s Book Series History of Anthropology (12 Volumes, 1983-2010)

Many readers of HAR may already be familiar with the book series History of Anthropology, published by the University of Wisconsin Press. Eleven themed volumes of papers appeared, with volumes one to eight edited by George W. Stocking, Jr. and volumes nine to eleven by Richard Handler. The twelfth and final title, an autobiography by Stocking (who died in 2013), appeared in 2010.

We highlight this book series on our Generative Texts page. Note that one of the twelve volumes in this series was the subject of an earlier article on this page (see Laurel Waycott’s article on Objects and Others), and we invite HAR readers to consider writing about another of these edited volumes. 

The twelve individual titles are listed here, followed by a cumulated index to the contents of volumes one to eleven.

By highlighting these older publications, we hope to promote the adjacent goals of refreshing the
memories of those long involved in examining the history of anthropology and acquainting newer
readers with this important literature.

V. 1.  Observers Observed. 1983. 

V. 2.  Functionalism Historicized. 1984.

V. 3.  Objects and Others. 1985.  

V. 4.  Malinowski, Rivers, Benedict, and Others. 1986.  

V. 5.  Bones, Bodies, Behavior. 1988.  

V. 6.  Romantic Motives. 1989.  

V. 7.  Colonial Situations. 1991.  

V. 8.  Volksgeist as Method and Ethic. 1996.  

V. 9.  Excluded Ancestors, Inventible Traditions. 1999.  

V. 10.  Significant Others. 2003. 

V. 11.  Central Sites, Peripheral Visions. 2006. 

V. 12.  Glimpses into My Own Black Box. 2010.

Asad, Talal

  • “Afterword: From the History of Colonial Anthropology to the Anthropology of Western Hegemony” (v.7, 1991)

Baker, Lee D.

  • “Research, Reform, and Racial Uplift: The Mission of the Hampton Folk-Lore Society, 1893-1899 (v.9, 1999)

Barkan, Elazer

  • “Mobilizing Scientists against Nazi Racism, 1933-1939” (v.5, 1988)

Barnett, Homer G.

  • “Learning about Culture: Reconstruction, Participation, Administration, 1934-1954” (v.1, 1983)

Berman, Judith

  • “‘The Culture as It Appears to the Indian Himself’: Boas, George Hunt, and the Methods of Ethnography” (v.8, 1996)

Blanckaert, Claude

  • “On the Origins of French Ethnology: William Edwards and the Doctrine of Race” (v.5, 1988)

Bashkow, Ira

  • “The Dynamics of Rapport in a Colonial Situation: David Schneider’s Fieldwork on the Islands of Yap” (v.7, 1991)

Boon, James A.

  • “Between-the-Wars Bali” (v.4, 1986)
  • “Lévi-Strauss, Wagner, Romanticism: A Reading-Back … ”(v.6, 1989)

Brightman, Robert

  • “Jaime de Angulo and Alfred Kroeber: Bohemians and Bourgeois in Berkeley Anthropology” (v.10, 2003)

Buckley, Thomas

  • “‘The little history of pitiful events’: The Epistemological and Moral Contexts of Kroeber’s Californian Ethnology” (v.8, 1996)

Bunzl, Matti

  • “The Study of Geography / Franz Boas — Franz Boas and the Humboldtian Tradition: From Volksgeist and Nationalcharakter to an Anthropological Concept of Culture”: (v.8, 1996)

Chapman, William Ryan

  • “Arranging Ethnology: A.H.L.F. Pitt Rivers and the Typological Tradition” (v.3, 1985)

Clifford, James

  • “Objects and Selves: An Afterword” (v.3, 1985)
  • “Power and Dialogue in Ethnography: Marcel Griaule’s Initiation”  (v.1, 1983)

Cole, Douglas

  • “‘The value of a person lies in his herzensbildung’: Franz Boas’ Baffin Island Letter-Diary, 1883-1884” (v.1, 1983)

Dalton, Doug

  • “Melanesian Can(n)ons” (v.9, 1999)

Darnell, Regna

  • “Personality and Culture” (v.4, 1986)

De Zengotita, Thomas

  • “The Functional Reduction of Kinship in the Social Thought of John Locke” (vol.2, 1984)
  • “Speakers of Being: Romantic Refusion and Cultural Anthropology” (v.6, 1989)

Engelke, Matthew

  • “’The endless conversation’: Fieldwork, Writing, and the Marriage of Victor and Edith Turner (v.10, 2003)

Evans, Brad

  • “Where was Boas during the Renaissance in Harlem?: Diffusion, Race, and the Culture Paradigm in the History of Anthropology” (v.11, 2006)

Feit, Harvey A.

  • “The Construction of Algonquian Hunting Territories: Private Property as Moral Lesson, Policy Advocacy, and Ethnographic Error” (v.7, 1991)

Hammond, Michael

  • “The Shadow Man Paradigm in Paleoanthropology, 1911-1945” (v.5, 1988

Handler, Richard

  • “The Dainty and the Hungry Man: Literature and Anthropology in the Work of Edward Sapir” (v.1, 1983)
  • “On Having a Culture: Nationalism and the Preservation of Quebec’s Patrimoine” (v.3, 1985)
  • “Vigorous Male and Aspiring Female: Poetry, Personality, and Culture in Edward Sapir and Ruth Benedict” (v.4, 1986)

Haraway, Donna J.

  • “Remodeling the Human Way of Life : Sherwood Washburn and the New Physical Anthropology, 1950-1980” (v.5, 1988)

Hinsley, Curtis

  • “Ethnographic Charisma and Scientific Routine: Cushing and Fewkes in the American Southwest, 1879-1893” (v.1, 1983)
  • “From Shell-Heaps to Stelae: Early anthropology at the Peabody Museum” (v.3, 1985)
  • “Zunis and Brahmins: Cultural Ambivalence in the Gilded Age” (v.6, 1989)

Jackson, Walter

  • “Melville Herskovits and the Search for Afro-American Culture” (v.4, 1986)

Jacknis, Ira

  • “The Ethnographic Object and the Object of Ethnology in the Early Career of Franz Boas” (v.8, 1996)
  • “Franz Boas and Exhibits: On the Limitations of the Museum Method of Anthropology” (v.3, 1985)

Jones, Robert Alun

  • “Robertson Smith and James Frazer on Religion: Two Traditions in British Social Anthropology” (v.2, 1984)

Koester, David

  • “The Power of Insult: Ethnographic Publication and Emergent Nationalism in the Sixteenth Century” (v.11, 2006)

Kuklick, Henrika

  • “Contested Monuments: The Politics of Archeology in Southern Africa” (v.7, 1991)
  • “Tribal Exemplars: Images of Political Authority in British Anthropology, 1885-1945” (v.2, 1984)

Kuper, Hilda

  • “Function, History, Biography: Reflections on Fifty Years in the British Anthropological Tradition” (v.2, 1984)

Larcom, Joan

  • “Following Deacon: The Problem of Ethnographic Reanalysis, 1926-1981” (v.1, 1983)

Lepowsky, Maria

  • “Charlotte Gower and the Subterranean History of Anthropology” (v.9. 1999)

Liss, Julia E.

  • “German Culture and German Science in the Bildung of Franz Boas” (v.8, 1996)

MacClancy, Jeremy

  • “Unconventional Character and Disciplinary Convention” (v.4, 1986)

Manson, William C.

  • “Abram Kardiner and the Neo-Freudian Alternative in Culture and Personality” (v.4, 1986)

Marchand, Suzanne

  • “Orientalism as Kulturpolitik: German Archeology and Cultural Imperialism in Asia Minor” (v.8, 1996)

Massin, Benoit

  • “From Virchow to Fischer: Physical Anthropology and ‘Modern Race Theories’ in Wilhelmine Germany” (v.8, 1996)

Pels, Peter

  • “Occult Truths: Race, Conjecture, and Theosophy in Victorian Anthropology” (v.9, 1999)

Proctor, Robert

  • “From Anthropologie to Rassenkunde in the German Anthropological Tradition” (v.5, 1988)

Rabinow, Paul

  • “’Facts are a word of God’: An Essay Review” (v.1, 1983)

Ray, Arthur J.

  • “Kroeber and the California Claims: Historical Particularism and Cultural Ecology in Court” (v.1, 2006)

Rohde, Joy Elizabeth

  • “It was No ‘Pink Tea’: Gender and American Anthropology, 1885-1903” (v.10, 2003)

Salemink, Oscar

  • “Mois and Maquis: The Invention and Appropriation of Vietnam’s Montagnards from Sabatier to the CIA” (v.7, 1991)

Schrempp, Gregory

  • “Aristotle’s Other Self: On the Boundless Subject of Anthropological Discourse”  (v.6, 1989)

Schumaker, Lyn

  • “The Director as Significant Other: Max Gluckman and Team Research at the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute” (v.10, 2003)

Silverstein, Michael

  • “Boasian Cosmographic Anthropology and the Sociocentric Component of Mind” (v.10, 2003)

Slaney, Frances M.

  • “Working for a Canadian Sense of Place” (v.9, 1999)

Spencer, Frank

  • “Prologue to a Scientific Forgery: The British Eolithic Movement from Abbeville to Piltdown” (v.5, 1988)

Stade, Ronald

  • “’In the immediate vicinity a world has come to an end’:  Lucie Varga as an Ethnographer of National Socialism—A Retrospective Essay (v.9, 1999)

Stewart, Susan

“Antipodal Axpectations: Notes on the Formosan “Ethnography” of George Psalmanazar” (v.6, 1989)

Stocking, George W., Jr.

  • “A.I. Hallowell’s Boasian Evolutionism: Human Ir/Rationality in Cross-cultural, Evolutionary, and Personal Context” (v.10, 2003)
  • “Anthropology and the Science of the Irrational” (v.4, 1986)
  • “Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition” (v.8, 1996)
  • “‘Do good, young man’: Sol Tax and the World Mission of Liberal Democratic Anthropology” (v.9, 1999)
  • “Dr. Durkheim and Mr. Brown: Comparative Sociology at Cambridge in 1910” [edited by GWS] (v.2, 1984)
  • “Essays on Culture and Personality” (v.4, 1986)
  • “Essays on Museums and Material Culture” (v.3, 1985)
  • “The Ethnographer’s Magic: Fieldwork in British Anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski” (v.1, 1983)
  • “The Ethnographic Sensibility of the 1920s and the Dualism of the Anthropological Tradition” (v.6, 1989)
  • “History of Anthropology: Whence/Whither” (v.1, 1983)
  • “Maclay, Kubary, Malinowski: Archetypes from the Dreamtime of Anthropology” (v.7, 1991)
  • “Philanthropoids and Vanishing Cultures: Rockefeller Funding and the End of the Museum Era in Anglo-American Anthropology (v.3, 1985)
  • “Radcliffe-Brown and British Social Anthropology” (v.2, 1984)
  • “Romantic Motives and the History of Anthropology” (v.6, 1989)
  • “Unfinished Business: Robert Gelston Armstrong, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the History of Anthropology at Chicago and in Nigeria” (v.11, 2006)

Swetlitz, Marc

  • “The Minds of Beavers and the Minds of Humans: Natural Suggestion, Natural Selection and Experiment in the Work of Lewis Henry Morgan” (v.5, 1988)

Thomas, David

  • “Tools of the Trade: The Productions of Ethnographic Observations on the Andaman Islands, 1858-1922” (v.7, 1991)

Trigger, Bruce G.

  • “Writing the History of Archeology: A Survey of Trends” (v.3, 1985)

Turner, Terence

  • “Representing, Resisting, Rethinking: Historical Transformations of Kayapo Culture and Anthropological Consciousness” (v.7, 1991)

Urry, James

  • “Englishmen, Celts, and Iberians: The Ethnographic Survey of the United Kingdom, 1892-1899”  (v.2, 1984)

Wade, Edwin L.

  • “The Ethnic Art Market in the American Southwest, 1880-1980” (v.3, 1985)

West, Harry G.

  • “Inverting the Camel’s Hump: Jorge Dias, His Wife, Their Interpreter, and I” (v.10, 2003)

Weston, Kath

  • “Escape from the Andamans: Tracking, Offshore Incarceration and Ethnology in the Back of Beyond” (v.11, 2006)

Whitman, James

  • “From Philology to Anthropology in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Germany” (v.2, 1984)

Williams, Elizabeth A.

  • “Art and Artifact at the Trocadero: Ars Americana and the Primitivist Revolution” (v.3, 1985)

Yans-McLaughlin, Virginia

  • “Science, Democracy, and Ethics” (v.4, 1986)
Janet Steins: contributions / website /


  1. WOW! Thanks so much or this extremely useful accounting, Janet. I hope to further mine your mining when I get a chance.

  2. Yes, Wow! I have all the books. That was a fun used book search just completed. This list is a great way into them. I might not ever found a way at all without!

    Approach the texts as an editor’s selections is one thing, ho hum. Seeing the authors, all top-notch, and say who is the editor that brought this together!

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