The annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association will take place November 16–20 in Minneapolis, MN. Here is a list of sessions and events relevant to the history of anthropology:
Voicing the Ancestors: Readings in Memory of George Stocking (3-0030), Thursday, November 17, 8:00–9:45 am, Hilton, Room: Marquette IX
Organizers: Mindy Morgan (Michigan State University) and Ira Bashkow (University of Virginia)
Presenters: Sebastian Braun (Iowa State University), Margaret Bruchac (University of Pennsylvania), Robert Hancock (University of Victoria), Ira Jacknis (University of California, Berkeley), Mindy Morgan (Michigan State University), Saul Schwartz (University of Miami), Joshua Smith (University of North Carolina, Canada)
Discoveries, Theories, and Experiential Evidence: The Tests of Time (3-0205), Thursday, November 17, 8:00–9:45 am, Hilton, Room: Conrad A
Organizers: William Mitchell (Monmouth University) and Alice Kehoe (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
- “Introduction: Anthropological Change and Continuity,” William Mitchell (Monmouth University)
- “Conservation, Resource Management and Territoriality Among Northern Algonquians,” Charles Bishop (Union College)
- “From Inkblots to Ontology and Beyond: Evidence and Discovery in A. Irving Hallowell’s Ojibwe Archives,” Jennifer Brown (University of Winnipeg)
- “’Are All Stones Alive’: Anthropological and Anishinaabe Approaches to Personhood,” Maureen Matthews (Oxford University)
- “Pattern in Research Program Change in American Pre-Contact Archaeology,” Guy Gibbon (University of Minnesota)
- “We Know It’s a Hoax,” Alice Kehoe (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
- “Structure and Process: Plato and Marx Meet Eric Wolf in the Work of One of His Students,” Maria-Luisa Achino-Loeb (New York University)
Evidence and Theory: Issues, Then and Now (3-0515),Thursday, November 17, 10:15–11:45 am, Hilton, Room: Conrad A
Organizers: William Mitchell (Monmouth University) and Alice Kehoe (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Discussants: Andrew Lyons (University of Waterloo) and Sean Mitchell (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
- “For the Right Reasons: A Retrospective on Multiregional Evolution,” Milford Wolpoff (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)/Rachel Caspari (Central Michigan University)
- “Anthropology’s Camelot Myth and the Test of Time,” Herbert Lewis (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
- “The Emergence of the New Collaborative Research: Theoretical Foundations of a Paradigmatic Shift,” Jeffrey Ehrenreich (University of New Orleans)
- “The Jeweler’s Loupe: Validation,” Stephen Reyna (Max Planck Institute)
Life, Death and Language Ideologies: Historical Accidents of Community Formation and the Framing of Evidence in Linguistic Anthropology (4-0265), Friday, November 18, 8:00–9:45 am, Minneapolis Convention Center, Room: Auditorium 3
Organizer: Leila Monaghan (Southern Illinois University)
Chair: Jennifer Schlegel (Kutztown University)
Discussant: Michael Silverstein (University of Chicago)
- “Shifting Visions, Shifting Structures: J.W. Powell, Franz Boas, and the Changing Studies of American Indian Languages,” Leila Monaghan (Southern Illinois University)
- “Colonizing Language, Contesting Knowledge: British Epistemologies and the Linguistic Survey of India,” Hannah Carlan (University of California, Los Angeles)
- “Franz Boas and the Making of “Modern Nahuatl,” Magnus Pharao Hansen (Brown University)
- “A Discipline of Debate: From Human Rights Advocacy to Linguistic Relativity in the Words and Deeds of Boas, Sapir, and Whorf,” Sean O’Neill (University of Oklahoma)
- “The Study of Language Games: A Cat and Mouse Model for Linguistic Anthropology in Digital China,” Mary Scoggin (Humboldt State University)
George Stocking Symposium: Papers in Honour of Regna Darnell (4-0050), Friday, November 18, 8:00–9:45 am, Hilton, Room: Marquette V
Organizers: Joshua Smith (University of North Carolina, Canada) and Ian Puppe (University of Western Ontario)
Discussants: Robert Hancock (University of Victoria) and Jennifer Brown (University of Winnipeg)
- “Mentoring and Conference-Going in the Development of Histories of Anthropology: The Professional Life of Regna Darnell,” Frederic Gleach (Cornell University)
- “Evidence and Finite Systems: Why Excellent Arguments Fall on Deaf Ears,” Lisa Philips (University of Alberta)
- “Conversation, Power, and the Unspoken: Regna Darnell Among the Cree of Alberta,” Clinton Westman (University of Saskatchewan)
- “Treaties Signed in Smoke: Contributions to Legal Anthropology from the Ethnography of Communication,” Andie Palmer (University of Alberta)
Evidence, Accident, and Discovery in Anthropological Expert Testimony (4-0260), Friday, November 18, 8:00–9:45, Minneapolis Convention Center, Room: Auditorium 1
Organizer and Chair: David Dinwoodie (University of New Mexico)
Discussant: Justin Richland (University of Chicago)
- “Theoretical Framing, Role-Inhabitance, and the Politics of Recognition in Tsilhqut’in Land Claims Case,” David Dinwoodie (University of New Mexico)
- “Sites and Recognition: An Australian Perspective,” Francesca Merlan (Australian National University)
- “Expert Opinion, Ethnographic Analysis and the Romance of Anthropology: Does Engagement in Legal Cases Compromise or Expand the Richness of Understanding in Aboriginal Australia?” David Trigger (University of Queensland)
- “Aboriginal Claims and the Making and RE-Making of Ethnohistory,” Arthur Ray (University of British Columbia)
Anthropology and the Public: A Wenner-Gren 75th Anniversary Panel (4-0405), Friday, November 18, 10:15 am – noon, Hilton, Room: Salon D
Organizers and Chairs: Leslie Aiello (Wenner-Gren Foundation), Emily Martin (New York University), Tanya Luhrmann (Stanford University), and Alex Golub (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Presenters: Alisse Waterston (John Jay College of Criminal Justice) [Introduction], Chip Colwell (University of Colorado, Denver), Erin Taylor (University of Lisbon), Natalia Reagan (BOAS Network), and Anya-Milana Sulaver (Peeps, Canada)
General Anthropology Division (GAD) Distinguished Lecture: Regna Darnell (4-0670), Friday, November 18, 12:15–1:30 pm, Minneapolis Convention Center, Room: 101B
Organizer: Luke Eric Lassiter (Marshall University)
Distinguished Lecturer: Regna Darnell (University of Western Ontario)
History of Anthropology Interest Group Annual Lunch Meeting [not on official AAA meeting program], Saturday, November 19, 12:15–1:45 pm
The Local (Irish pub restaurant, in the Sanctuary Room)
931 Nicollet Mall at the corner of Nicollet and 10th Street ($14 brunch buffet with drink)
For more information, e-mail Ira Bashkow
Evidentiary Questions: The History of Anthropology as an STS Problem (5-0990), Saturday, November 19, 4:00–5:45 pm, Hilton, Room: Marquette VI
Organizers: Ann Kakaliouras (Whittier College) and Jason Pribilsky (Whitman College)
Chair: Matthew Watson (Mount Holyoke College)
Discussant: Carlota McAllister (York University, Canada)
- “Anthropology As Technoscience: STS Contributions to the History of Anthropology,” Jason Pribilsky (Whitman College)
- “The Life and Times of W.W. Howells’ Worldwide Craniometric Dataset,” Ann Kakaliouras (Whittier College)
- “Open Systems from Whorf to Processual Archaeology: A Preliminary History,” Matthew Watson (Mount Holyoke College)
- “Immutable Mobiles: 19th Century Navajo Medicine and Anglo Anxiety of Secrets,” Adam Johnson (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
- “Portable Expertise and Colonial Governmentality: Using STS Tools to Understand the Demise of Racial Science,” Sebastián Gil-Riaño (University of Pennsylvania)
November 17, 2016 at 7:06 pm
Wow, this is incredible– so much history of anthropology activity at AAA! And lots of it from (and about) HAN contributors, advisors, and editors– Stocking, Darnell, Bashkow, Gil-Riaño.
To anyone participating in or attending these panels who is new to the HAN website: We hope that you’ll subscribe to the newsletter, keep us updated on your work and activities, and send us your contributions. For starters we’d love to print summaries of any of these panels under “participant observations” on the menu above.
— John Tresch, HAN editor-in-chief