As part of a series of successful one-day events devoted to examining the complementarities between anthropology and folklore, the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) is holding a seminar on the writings of James George Frazer, Andrew Lang and Edward Burnett Tylor. They invite scholars to submit papers on these three famous figures, whose work continues to influence both of these fields.
Though papers on these three scholars and their impact are particularly welcome, the RAI is also open to papers that situate these figures within a larger network of scholarship in order to shed light on the different, overlapping currents of scholarship at the time, and the way that we react to them today.
Anyone wishing to submit a proposal should submit the title of their proposed paper (along with a 300 word abstract which includes the authors name and contact information) to by Friday 13 July, 2018 by 5 PM. Paper proposers will be notified by the end of July if their proposal has been accepted.
More information on this event and the submission process can be found here.
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