The 5th European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA) conference will take place in Stockholm, Sweden at Stockholm University from August 14-17, 2018.  A  list of sessions and events relevant to the history of anthropology can be found below:

August 14, 2018

P050 Writing the History of Anthropology in a Global Era [History of Anthropology Network]
Location: SO-B413
Convenors: Han F. Vermeulen (Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology), Frederico Rosa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa-CRIA/FCSH)

August 15, 2018

P049 The role of learned societies and associations in the creation and building of European anthropology [History of Anthropology Network]
Location: SO-B413
Convenors: David Shankland (Royal Anthropological Institute), Aleksandar Boskovic (Institute of Social Sciences)

P055 Making Knowledge Mobile: Knowledge Production and Transfer in/to/across/between Anthropology’s Actors, Locations, and Performances 
Location: SO-B315
Convenors: Hande A. Birkalan-Gedik (Goethe Universität, Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie), Patrícia Ferraz de Matos (Universidade de Lisboa), Thomas Reinhardt (LMU Munich), Blanka Koffer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

HOAN Business Meeting

August 16, 2018

P048 ‘Peripheral’ Anthropologies of Europe. Their histories and intellectual genealogies [Europeanist network]
Location: Horsal 9 (D9)
Convenors: Andrés Barrera-González (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Lorena Anton (University of Bucharest), Susana Viegas (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon)

August 17, 2018

P030 On the move: Fieldwork, academy and home in the early anthropologists’ careers.
Location: SO-B413
Convenors: Dorothy Louise Zinn (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), Grazyna Kubica-Heller (Jagiellonian University)

More information about the 5th EASA Conference schedule can be found here.