From Han Vermeulen, History of Anthropology Network (HOAN):
Having turned 30 in January, The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) will hold its 16th Biennial Conference in Lisbon, 21-24 July 2020. Returning to Portugal on the occasion of its 30th anniversary (the first EASA conference was held in Coimbra in 1990), the theme of the conference is: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe. The following panel proposals relating to the history of anthropology and/or submitted by HOAN members have been accepted:
P001: “Ethnographers before Malinowski [History of
Anthropology Network]” Convenors: Christine Laurière (CNRS) and Frederico
Rosa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa-CRIA/FCSH);
Disscussant: Han F. Vermeulen (Max Planck Institute
for Social Anthropology)
P003: “World Fairs, Exhibitions, and Anthropology:
Revisiting Contexts of Post/Colonialism [Europeanist Network]” Convenors:
Hande A. Birkalan-Gedik (Goethe Universität), Patrícia Ferraz de Matos
(Universidade de Lisboa) and Andrés Barrera-González (Universidad Complutense
de Madrid)
P028: “Anthropological Perspectives: Past, Present
and Future [Roundtable]” Convenors: Aleksandar Boskovic (University of
Belgrade) and Virginia Dominguez (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Discussant: Thomas Hylland Eriksen
(University of Oslo)
P030: “Making and Remaking Anthropology Museums:
Provenance and Restitution.” Convenors: Adam Kuper (London School of
Economics) and Han F. Vermeulen (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)
P049: “Uncomfortable Ancestors: Anthropology (not)
Dealing with Totalitarian Regimes” Convenors: Fabiana Dimpflmeier
(University of Pisa) and Reinhard Johler (University Tübingen)
P067: “The ‘Other Europe’: Chris M. Hann and the
Development of Long-Term Anthropological Fieldwork of Socialism/Postsocialism”
[Roundtable] Convenors: László Kürti (University of Miskolc) and Petr Skalník
(University of Hradec Králové)
P120: “The futures of visual restitution.”
Convenors: Rodrigo Lacerda (CRIA/NOVA FCSH, Lisbon) and Renato Athias (Federal
University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
P176: “Engaged Anthropology at Times of
Nationalistic Enhancement in the XX Century.” Convenors: Grazyna
Kubica-Heller (Jagiellonian University) and Anna Engelking (Institute of Slavic
Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)
P179: “Curating the (Post)Colonial in Europe and
Beyond.” Convenors: Chiara De Cesari (University of Amsterdam), Nelia Dias
(ISCTE, Lisbon) and Wayne Modest (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ National Museum
of World Cultures).
The Call for Papers has opened on 2 December 2019 and will close on 20 January
2020. Before proposing a paper, please read the conference
the rules on that page, and browse the list of
Paper proposals can be submitted online by clicking on the Propose paper button in the title section of each
panel at this list
of panels.