The General Anthropology Division (GAD) of the American Anthropology Association is seeking calls for nominations for three awards: the GAD New Directions Award, the GAD Prize for Exemplary Cross-Field Scholarship, and the CASTAC David Hakken Prize for graduate student papers. These awards will be presented to recipients at the GAD’s annual awards ceremony. More information about these awards, and instructions for submitting a nomination can be found below.

GAD New Directions Award (Individual and Group)

Nominations Due: July 1, 2019

The GAD New Directions Award calls attention to the myriad ways anthropologists are expanding anthropological perspectives in the twenty-first century.  It recognizes the accomplishments of both individuals and groups/collectives across diverse media and formats as forms of public anthropology. Common to these is the responsible presentation of anthropological information for a larger public beyond the academy as well as a demonstrated commitment to ethical considerations and methodological rigor. The award seeks to identify anthropologists and anthropological work, as well as bodies of work, from the broadest range of forms and media including, but not limited to: columns or op-eds in national newspapers or magazines; regular blog posts or digital bodies of work by individuals or groups; websites devoted to anthropological themes; on-line anthropological publication groups; critical or theoretical anthropological analyses of social media; articles in popular print magazines; published monographs intended for a popular readership; anthropological print and digital magazines; photographic exhibitions, art exhibitions, or dance performances of an anthropological nature; TV or video series or specials illuminating the human condition; films, documentaries or creative works examining anthropological topics; public anthropology contributions of all forms. Each Award carries an honorarium of $1000.

Please send nominations to Jennifer Cool (, Chair, GAD Awards Committee.

GAD Prize for Exemplary Cross-Field Scholarship

Nominations Due: July 1, 2019

The General Anthropology Division (GAD) has long supported innovative scholarships that transcend the seemingly all too rigid boundaries that divide the various fields of anthropology. The Cross-Field Award is awarded annually by GAD for a peer-reviewed journal article published in the preceding three years that demonstrates exemplary scholarship from any theoretical or methodological perspective including applied research that transcends two or more fields of anthropology, broadly construed, or is interdisciplinary in nature. The Award carries an honorarium of $1000.

To nominate an article published in 2016 or later for the 2019 GAD Prize for Exemplary Cross-Field Scholarship, please contact Jennifer Cool ( Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations must attach a .PDF file of the nominated article and may include a paragraph explaining or justifying the nomination.

CASTAC David Hakken Prize (graduate student paper)

Nominations Due: June 30, 2019

Since 2015, the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC) has awarded a graduate student paper prize in recognition of excellent work by rising scholars. In 2016, the prize was named in memory of David Hakken for his pioneering work at the intersection of ethnography and cyberspace.

The prize is awarded to a graduate student paper that exemplifies innovative research at the intersection of anthropology and science and technology studies, demonstrating theoretical sophistication and an appreciation of the methodological challenges facing the anthropology of science and technology. The winner of the prize will be recognized during the AAA meetings and will receive a certificate and $100 cash award, sponsored by the General Anthropology Division. The committee will be unable to consider any paper that does not follow the guidelines listed here.

Please send papers for consideration to, as email attachments in Word format. Submissions must be received by Sunday, June 30th to be considered for this year’s prize. Any questions can be directed to Co-Chairs Emily Brooks (, Beth Reddy (, and Rebekah Cupitt (