The History of Anthropology Newsletter (HAN) is pleased to announce the addition of new items to our Bibliography section. This section features citations of recently published works (stretching back to 2013) in all formats that are relevant to the history of anthropology. A full list of the new titles added can be found below. More information on our latest bibliography entries can be found here.
HAN welcomes bibliography suggestions from our readers. If you come across a title of interest during your own fieldwork in the library, whether that be physical or virtual, please let us know by emailing us at
- Allais, Lucia. Designs of Destruction: The Making of Monuments in the Twentieth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.
- Behnke, Marisol Palma. “Diario del Primer Viaje de Martín Gusinde a Tierra del Fuego (19181919): Introducción y Comentario a la Publicación del Documento Inédito.” Anthropos 113, no. 1 (2018): 169–169.
- Berkowitz, Carin, and Bernard V. Lightman, eds. Science Museums in Transition Cultures of Display in Nineteenth–Century Britain and America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017.
- Burton, Eric. “Auf der Suche nach den Grenzen der Zivilisation. Ordnung und Teleologie in der Anthropologie der Naturvölker (1859) von Theodor Waitz.” Anthropos 113, no. 1 (2018): 1–20.
- Gray, Geoffrey. Abrogating Responsibility: Vesteys, Anthropology and the Future of Aboriginal People. North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2015.
- Kan, Sergei. “Mainstream or Marginal Boasian? An Intellectual Biography of Robert H. Lowie.” Edited by Christine Lauriére and Frederico Delgado Rosa. Bérose–Encyclopédie Internationale Des Histoires de l’Anthropologie. Paris, 2019.
- Kao, Philip K. “Shelling from the Ivory Tower Project Camelot and the Post–World War II Operationalization of Social Science.” Focaal 2018, no. 80 (2018): 105–19.
- Kirch, Patrick V. Unearthing the Polynesian Past: Explorations and Adventures of an Island Archaeologist. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2015.
- Kyllingstad, Jon Røyne. Measuring the Master Race: Physical Anthropology in Norway, 1890–1945. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2014.
- Lamphere, Louise. “The Transformation of Ethnography: From Malinowki’s Tent to the Practice of Collaborative/Activist Anthropology.” Human Organization 77, no. 1 (2018): 64–76.
- McGowan, Alan H. “The Lessons of Franz Boas.” Procedia–Social and Behavioral Sciences 149 (2014): 558–64.
- Milam, Erika Lorraine. Creatures of Cain: The Hunt for Human Nature in Cold War America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019.
- Morgan, Mindy J. “Anthropologists in Unexpected Places: Tracing Anthropological Theory, Practice, and Policy in Indians at Work.” American anthropologist. 119, no. 3 (2017): 435–47.
- Nolte, Insa, Keith Shear, and Kevin A. Yelvington. “From Ethnographic Knowledge to Anthropological Intelligence: An Anthropologist in the Office of Strategic Services in Second World War Africa.” History and Anthropology 29, no. 1 (2018): 52–82.
- Reichman, Daniel. “From the Social Production of the Person to Transnational Capitalism: Parsons, Turner, and Globalization.” Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 14, no. 2 (2016).
- Schmidt, Mario. “Godfrey Lienhardt as a Skeptic; or, Anthropology as Conceptual Puzzle–Solving.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7, no. 2 (2017): 351–75.
- Smith, Gavin. “Elusive Relations: Distant, Intimate, and Hostile.” Current Anthropology 59, no. 3 (2018): 247–67.
- Smith, Shelley L. “Single (Sub)Species Then and Now: An Examination of the Nonracial Perspective of C. Loring Brace.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165, no. S65 (2018): 104–25.
- Walsh, Jane MacLaren, and Brett Topping. The Man Who Invented Aztec Crystal Skulls: the Adventures of Eugéne Boban. New York: Berghahn, 2019.
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