July 2022
Eva Lips (1906-1988), German Anti-Fascist Anthropologist, by Ingrid Kreide-Damani
BEROSE / Announcements
The Summer Institute of Linguistics, by Élise Capredon & Thomas Grillot
BEROSE / Announcements
June 2022
Francisco Martins Lage (1888-1957), Portuguese Ethnographer, by Maria Barthez
BEROSE / Announcements
H.H. Risley, Ethnologist of the British raj, by Chris Fuller
BEROSE / Announcements
New Publication and Virtual Book Launch: ETHNOGRAPHERS BEFORE MALINOWSKI, edited by Frederico D. Rosa and Han F. Vermeulen
John Tresch / Announcements
Online Event: Decolonization and Photography in Africa (June 10)
Sarah Pickman / Announcements
May 2022
New Book from Adriana Petryna: Horizon Work
Jennifer Fraser / Announcements
Zoom Event with Ricardo Roque: “Scientific Occupation” and the Timor Anthropological Mission in the Late Portuguese Colonial Empire
Sarah Pickman / Announcements
‘Saving the Nation through Culture’ by Jie Gao
Jeff Kyong-McClain / Reviews
April 2022
Call For Papers/Special Issue: “Psychological Anthropology: Theory and Practice”
Sarah Pickman / Announcements
CFP: “The Legacy of Bronisław Malinowski in Present-Day Social Sciences and Humanities”
Sarah Pickman / Announcements
Upcoming HOAN Meeting: Lecture from Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt
Sarah Pickman / Announcements
Announcement: Social Science Research Council’s International Dissertation Research Fellowship
The Editors / Announcements, News
Socio-Cultural Anthropology under Hitler: An Introduction to Four Case Studies from Vienna
Andre Gingrich and Peter Rohrbacher / Clio’s Fancy, Field Notes
Marginalized in Central European Anthropology and Persecuted as a Jew: The Case of Marianne Schmidl
Katja Geisenhainer / Clio’s Fancy, Field Notes
Assisting in the Holocaust: Pro-Nazi Anthropologists from Vienna in Occupied Poland (1940–1944)
Lisa Gottschall / Clio’s Fancy, Field Notes
Rivalries with Fatal Consequences
Gabriele Anderl, Ildikó Cazan-Simányi and Reinhold Mittersakschmöller / Clio’s Fancy, Field Notes
A Priest in the Resistance: Father Wilhelm Schmidt and His Alliances in World War II
Peter Rohrbacher / Clio’s Fancy, Field Notes
History of Anthropology Working Group with John L. Jackson, Jr., Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Adrianna Link / Announcements
March 2022
A.L. Kroeber’s Work and Legacy, by Herbert Lewis et al.
New Resource: Special Focus on “Fields” in Isis, Vol 113, no.1 (March 2022): 108-156.
Jennifer Fraser / Announcements
Theory and Iconography in J.F. Blumenbach (1952-1840), by Mario Marino
BEROSE / Announcements
Fonseca Cardoso (1865-1912) and Portuguese Colonial Anthropology, by Ricardo Roque
BEROSE / Announcements
The Cornell Project in Peru (1951-1966), by Thomas Grillot
BEROSE / Announcements
February 2022
Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia
Adrianna Link / Announcements
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